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GH Ramirez & Brothers Landscaping- Logo
Fully Licensed and Insured  
Quality First!
Serving Monterey, Salinas, Santa Cruz and Beyond - Since 1993

Design & Installation

Fully Licensed and Insured  | Serving Monterey, Salinas, Santa Cruz and Beyond
831-920-1149 | 831-899-5051
Fully Licensed and Insured!
Serving Monterey, Salinas, Santa Cruz and Beyond
Call Gabriel Ramirez Call Cleto H. Ramirez

Design and installation

We Make System Design and Installation Look Easy

When designing your landscape there are many factors we consider before we make the final plan- we gather information from our clients such as what the use they are going to give the areas- for entertaining, relaxing, if they have children, pets etc. also we gather information from the surrounding environment such as sun exposure, soil type, drainage issues, unwanted views to be screened and so on. We strive to make your landscape as beautiful and functional as possible.

Useful Landscaping Options and Much More

GH Ramirez & Brothers Landscaping also offers exceptional weekly and monthly lawn maintenance services, so your outdoor landscape will be the envy if your neighbors.

Contact us today and let us get to work immediately on making your property everything it can be.
Call us today at 831-920-1149
Where should I begin if I want to do my own landscaping, lawn care or gardening?

Begin your first landscaping project in an area where you feel the most comfortable working. Gather some resources to help you with your project, including checking out or purchasing books or looking online for advice. You might have specific plans in mind that change once you see what other landscapers were able to do with a similar area. After you know what you want to do, develop a thorough plan. You should also keep a watchful eye on your yard to identify where any dry or sunny spots might be. If you find dry spots, those areas might also require a little bit more attention. 
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